História em Quarentena is a project born due to the needed confinement and physical distancing that the current coronavirus health crisis has forced in the world in general and in Brazil in particular. With the idea of bringing people together around common interests, and continuing the effort of disseminating historical knowledge, but also knowledge from other human and social sciences, we want to take advantage of the possibilities offered by digital tools to reinforce a sense of collectivity.
Since March 23rd , we have been on the air from Monday to Wednesday through Facebook Live with the participation of a researcher talking about some historical issue, inserted in a general theme that changes every week. In addition, on Thursdays there is a special program, a debate recorded via skype between different specialists with the intention of discussing the proposed weekly theme. During the first week of the project, the transversal theme of live broadcasts and the debate was linked to the «History of diseases, epidemics and pandemics». The second week was dedicated to «State violence and authoritarianism». We will now discuss several themes that combine a precise approach to current international events, with a background of historical knowledge that we believe is necessary to understand the current Brazilian and global situation.
Coordination: Paulo César Gomes (UFF); Carlos Benítez Trinidad (USC / CHAM-UNL); Lucas Pedretti (IESP / UERJ); Mélanie Toulhoat (IHEAL); Natália de Santanna Guerellus (Université Jean Moulin) and Mariana Meneses Muñoz (CHAM-UNL).